Authors that are bold and underlined indicate URBANxNATURE Lab members
Devarajan, K., Fidino, M., Farris, Z. J., Adalsteinsson, S. A., Andrade- Ponce, G., Angstmann, J. L., Anthonysamy, W., Aquino, J., Asefu, A., Avila, B., Bailey, L. L., de Sousa, L. M., de Frias Barreto, B. M., Barton, O., Bates, C. E., Guimarães Beltrão, M., Bird, T., Biro, E. G., Bisi, F., Bohórquez, D., Boyce, M., Brashares, J. S., Bullington, G., Burns, P., Burr, J., Butler, A. R., Calhoun, K. L., Trung Cao, T., Casado, N., Cepeda-Duque, J. C., Cepek, J. D., Garcia Chiarello, A., Collins, M., Cordeiro-Estrela, P., Costa, S., Cremonesi, G., Cristescu, B., Cruz, P., de Albuquerque, A. C. F., De Angelo, C., de Campos, C. B., de Sena, L. M. M., Di Bitetti, M., de Matos Dias, D., Diefenbach, D., Doherty, T. S., dos Santos, T. P., Teixeira Duarte, G., Eppley, T. M., Erb, J., Franco Esteves, C., Evans, B., Falcão, M. L. M., Fernandes-Ferreira, H., Fieberg, J. R., de Souza Filho, L. C. F., Fisher, J., Fortin, M.-J., Gale, G. A., Gallo, T., Ganoe, L. S., Garcia-Anleu, R., Gaynor, K. M., Gelmi-Candusso, T. A., Gichuru, P. N., Gomez, Q., Green, A. M., Neves Guimarães, L., Haight, J. D., Harris, L. R., Hawn, Z. D., Heiman, J., Quoc Hoang, H., Huebner, S., Iannarilli, F., Eugenia Iezzi, M., Ivan, J. S., Jaspers, K. J., Jordan, M. J., Kamilar, J., Kane, M., Karimi, M. H., Kelly, M., Kohl, M. T., Kuvlesky, W. P., Ladle, A., Larson, R. N., Tan Le, Q., Le, D., Son Le, V., Lehrer, E. W., Lendrum, P. E., Lewis, J., Link, A., Lizcano, D. J., Lombardi, J. V., Long, R., López-Tello, E., Lugarini, C., Lugo, D., MacKay, P., Madadi, M., Magalhães, R. A., Magle, S. B., NA, Mandujano, S., Marchenkova, T., Henrique Marinho, P., Marker, L., Martinez Pardo, J., Martinoli, A., Massara, R. L., Masseloux, J., Matiukhina, D., Mayer, A., Mazariegos, L., McBride, A., McClung, M. R., McInturff, A., McPhail, D., Mertl, A., Middaugh, C. R., Miller, D., Mills, D., Miquelle, D., Miritis, V., Moll, R. J., Molnár, P., Montgomery, R. A., Morelli, T. L., Mortelliti, A., Muelle, R. I., Mukhacheva, A. S., Mullen, K., Murphy, A., Nepomuceno, V., Ngoprasert, D., Nguyen, A., Van Nguyen, T., Van Nguyen, T., Anh Nguyen Quang, H., Nipko, R., Nobre, A. C. C., Northrup, J., Owen, M. A., Paglia, A. P., Palmer, M. S., Palomo-Munoz, G., Pardo, L. E., Parks, C., de Oliveira Paschoal, A. M., Patterson, B., Paviolo, A., Pejchar, L., Pendergast, M. E., Perotto-Baldivieso, H. L., Petrov, T., Poisson, M. K. P., Polli, D. J., Pourmirzai, M., Reebin, A., Remine, K. R., Rich, L., Richardson, C. S., Robino, F., Rocha, D. G., Rocha, F. L., Rodrigues, F., Rohnke, A. T., Ryan, T. J., Salsbury, C. M., Sander, H. A., da Cruz Santos-Cavalcante, N. M., Sekercioglu, C. H., Seryodkin, I., Setiawan, D. H., Shadloo, S., Shahhosseini, M., Shannon, G., Shier, C. J., Smith, G. B., Snyder, T., Sollmann, R., Sparks, K. L., Sribuarod, K., St. Clair, C. C., Stankowich, T., Steinmetz, R., Stevenson, C. J., Sunarto, Surasinghe, T. D., Sutyrina, S. V., Swaisgood, R. R., Taktehrani, A., Thapa, K., Thorton, M., Tilker, A., Tobler, M. W., Van Bang, T., Tucker, J., Van Horn, R. C., Vargas- Soto, J. S., Velásquez-C, K. L., Venter, J., Venticinque, E. M., Verschueren, S., Wampole, E., J Watchorn, D., Wearn, O. R., Weiss, K. C., Welschen, A., Widodo, F. A., Williamson, J., Wilting, A., Wittemeyer, G., Zavaleta, A., Zellmer, A. J., and Gerber, B. D. (2025). When the wild things are: defining mammalian diel activity and plasticity. Science Advances. 11, eado3843 PDF
Brigit Rooney, Roland Kays, Michael V. Cove, Alex Jensen, Benjamin R. Goldstein, Christopher Pate, Paula Castiblanco, Maggie E. Abell, Jessie Adley, Briana Agenbroad, Adam A. Ahlers, Peter D. Alexander, David Allen, Maximilian L. Allen, Jesse M. Alston, Mohammad Alyetama, Thomas L. Anderson, Raul Andrade, Christine Anhalt-Depies, Cara L. Appel, Leslie Armendariz, Christopher R. Ayers, Amy B. Baird, Cara Bak, Griffin Bandler, Erin E. Barding, Evan G. Barr, Carolina Baruzzi, Kelli Bashaw, Silas C. Beers, Jerrold L. Belant, Emma Bell, John F. Benson, Anna Berg, Dylan L. Bergman, Brandon M. Bernhardt, Meagan A. Bethel, Tori Bird, Amanda B. Bishop, Daniel A. Bogan, LaRoy Brandt, Levin C. Brandt, Aidan B. Branney, Chloe Bratton, Claire E. Bresnan, Jarred M. Brooke, Erin K. Buchholtz, Frances Buderman, Alexandra D. Burnett, Emily E. Burns, Domnique A. Byrd, Susan A. Cannella, Kathleen A. Carey, William A. Carlile, Kellie L. Carter, Brenna J. Cassidy, Ivan Castro-Arellano, Sara Cendejas-Zarelli, Nilanjan Chatterjee, Amanda E. Cheeseman, Cary Chevalier, M. Colter Chitwood, Petros Chrysafis, Bret Aaron Collier, D. Parks Collins, Justin A. Compton, Rhea Cone, L. Mike Conner, Brianna L. Cook, Olivia G. Cosby, Stephanie S. Coster, Anthony P. Crupi, Andrea K. Darracq, Jon M. Davenport, Devin Davis, Drew R. Davis, Miranda L. Davis, Rebecca J. Davis, Brett A. DeGregorio, Anant Deshwal, Kyle D. Dougherty, Art Drauglis, Caleb J. Durbin, Andrew J. Edelman, Valerie Elder, Blakely Eller, E. Hance Ellington, Susan N. Ellis-Felege, Caroline N. Ellison, Jean E. Fantle-Lepczyk, Jonathan J. Farr, Zach J. Farris, Shannon P. Finnegan, M. Caitlin Fisher-Reid, Elizabeth A. Flaherty, Gabriela Franzoi Dri, Sarah Fritts, Jeremy Fuller, Travis Gallo, Laken S. Ganoe, Carissa N. Ganong, Ricky Garibay, Brian D. Gerber, Francis D. Gerraty, Sean T. Giery, Selena M. Gilyot, Jessica L. Glasscock, Ben Goldfarb, Louis E. Good, Gracie Granados, Austin M. Green, Jasmine K. Grewal, Andrew Grusenmeyer, Joseph M. Guthrie, Matthew T. Hallett, Chris Hansen, Lonnie P. Hansen, Clae Hanson, Eamon J. Harrity, Steven C. M. Hasstedt, Mark Hebblewhite, Daniel J. Herrera, Angela Holland, Brigit R. Humphreys, Heide D. Island, Alexander R. Jack, Emily P. Johansson, Alex M. Johnson, Luanne Johnson, Tamara L. Johnstone-Yellin, Maria Luisa S. P. Jorge, Willaine Kahano, Michael A. Kinsey, Brier E. Klossing, Travis W. Knowles, Molly M. Koeck, John L. Koprowski, Kellie M. Kuhn, Erin K. Kuprewicz, Diana J. R. Lafferty, Jessica A. Lamberton-Moreno, Travis J. Land, Avy M. Langston, Scott LaPoint, Erin N. Largent, Marcus A. Lashley, Richard G. Lathrop, Thomas E. Lee Jr, Christopher A. Lepczyk, Damon B. Lesmeister, Carissa Leung, Jason V. Lombardi, Robert Long, Robert C. Lonsinger, Isaac Lord, Steven S. Madere, Sean P. Maher, Jenifer A. Mallinoff, Andres Martinez, David S. Mason, Heather A. Mathewson, Amy E. Mayer, Kyle P. McCarthy, Shawn F. McCracken, Brandon McDonald, Brendan McGarry, Sierra T. McMurry, Leah E. McTigue, Brianna Marie Mena, Margaret Mercer, Margaret R. Merz, Sophie Millar, Geoffrey D. Miller, Joshua J. Millspaugh, Remington J. Moll, Tony W. Mong, Javier D. Monzón, John C. Moore, Alessio Mortelliti, Kelton W. Mote, Kayleigh Mullen, Alexis Mychajliw, Christopher Nagy, Sean A. Neiswenter, Drew R. Neyland, Laura P. Nicholson, M. Teague O’Mara, Brian J. O’Neill, Elizabeth A. Olson, Michael J. Orgill, Gabriela Palomo-Munoz, Shawn M. Parsons, Lorelei E. Patrick, Jessica R. Patterson, David L. Pearce, Mary E. Pendergast, Bianca S. Perla, Tyler R. Petroelje, Henry Pliske, Mairi K. P. Poisson, Melissa R. Price, Mike D. Proctor, Nathan J. Proudman, Janet L. Rachlow, Ramon E. Ramos, Miguel Reabold, Joseph Redinger, Adar E. Reed, Christine C. Rega-Brodsky, Evan Rehm, Kathryn R. Remine, Michael S. Rentz, Elizabeth Ridder, Derek R. Risch, Lydia L. Robbins, Justin P. Roemer, Andrea Romero, Christopher Rota, Christopher M. Schalk, Bradley D. Scholten, Christina L. Scott, Brandon M. Scurlock, Maksim Sergeyev, William J. Severud, Jennifer Sevin, Hila Shamon, Conan Sharp, Michael Shaw, Veronica Siverls-Dunham, Austin B. Smith, Daniel S. Smith, Matthew H. Snider, Daniel A. Sossover, Adia R. Sovie, J. Alan Sparks, Jessica Speiser, Matthew T. Springer, Jared L. Spurlin, Eric A. Steinkamp, Jennifer L. Stenglein, Joanne Stewart Kloker, Cassie M. Stitzman, Michael Stokes, Khloey Stringer, Johnathon Stutzman, Daniel S. Sullins, Cassandra Sullivan, Noah B. Sullivan, Evan P. Tanner, Ashley M. Tanner, Emily B. Thornock, Jack Titus, Jacquelyn M. Tleimat, Kenny Toomey, Luke T. Toussaint, Michael Uribe, Marius Van der Merwe, Dakota J. Van Parys, John P. Vanek, Johanna Varner, Brienna V. Walker, Cody Wallace, David Ward, Bethany H. Warner, Derick T. Warren, Joanne R. Wasdin, Stephen L. Webb, Katelyn L. Wehr, Nathaniel H. Wehr, Emily G. Weigel, Ty J. Werdel, Laura S. Whipple, Christopher A. Whittier, Chloe Wiersema, Andrew Mark Wilson, Margaret F. H. Wilson, Alexander J. Wolf, Justin P. Wolford, David W. Wolfson, Daniel J. Woolsey, Matthew Alan Wuensch, Gloria Xu, Kerry L. Yurewicz, Veronica Zancho, Marketa Zimova, Adam Zorn, William J. McShea. 2025. SNAPSHOT USA 2019–2023: The First Five Years of Data From a Coordinated Camera Trap Survey of the United States. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 34(1) e13941 PDF
Palomo-Munoz, G., M Fidino, TJ Werdel, CW Piper, T Gallo, MS Peek, AM Ricketts, and AA Ahlers. 2024. Mesopredators Have Differing Influences on Prey Habitat Use and Diel Activity in a Multipredator Landscape. Ecosphere 15(9): e70006. PDF
Collins, M.K., T. Gallo. 2024. Legacy effects of housing segregation on urban mammal communities in Washington, D.C., USA. Urban Ecosystems. PDF
Herrera, D.J., M. Fidino, D. Luther, J.M. Mullinax, T. Gallo. 2024. Historical park planning is associated with modern-day patterns of bird diversity in cities. Landscape and Urban Planning, 249, 105132. PDF
Hila Shamon, Roi Maor, Michael V. Cove, Roland Kays, Jessie Adley, Peter D. Alexander, David N. Allen, Maximilian L. Allen, Cara L. Appel, Evan Barr, Erika L. Barthelmess, Carolina Baruzzi, Kelli Bashaw, Guillaume Bastille-Rousseau, Madison E. Baugh, Jerrold Belant, John F. Benson, Bethany A. Bespoyasny, Tori Bird, Daniel A. Bogan, LaRoy S. E. Brandt, Claire E. Bresnan, Jarred M. Brooke, Frances E. Buderman, Suzannah G. Buzzell, Amanda E. Cheeseman, M. Colter Chitwood, Petros Chrysafis, Merri K. Collins, D. Parks Collins, Justin A. Compton, L. Mike Conner, Olivia G. Cosby, Stephanie S. Coster, Benjamin Crawford, Anthony P. Crupi, Andrea K. Darracq, Miranda L. Davis, Brett A. DeGregorio, Kimberly L. Denningmann, Kyle D. Dougherty, Ace Driver, Andrew J. Edelman, E. Hance Ellington, Susan N. Ellis-Felege, Caroline N. Ellison, Jean E. Fantle-Lepczyk, Zach J. Farris, Jorie Favreau, Pilar Fernandez, M. Caitlin Fisher-Reid, Matthew C. Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth A. Flaherty, Tavis D. Forrester, Sarah R. Fritts, Travis Gallo, Brian D. Gerber, Sean T. Giery, Jessica L. Glasscock, Alex D. Gonatas, Anna C. Grady, Austin M. Green, Tremaine Gregory, Noel Griffin, Robert H. Hagen, Christopher P. Hansen, Lonnie P. Hansen, Steven C. Hasstedt, Haydée Hernández-Yáñez, Daniel J. Herrera, Robert V. Horan III, Victoria L. Jackson, Luanne Johnson, Mark J. Jordan, Willaine Kahano, Joseph Kiser, Travis W. Knowles, Molly M. Koeck, Caroline Koroly, Kellie M. Kuhn, Erin K. Kuprewicz, Diana J. R. Lafferty, Scott D. LaPoint, Marcus Lashley, Richard G. Lathrop, Thomas E. Lee Jr., Christopher A. Lepczyk, Damon B. Lesmeister, Jason V. Lombardi, Robert A. Long, Robert C. Lonsinger, Paula MacKay, Sean P. Maher, David S. Mason, Joshua J. Millspaugh, Remington J. Moll, Jessica B. Moon, Alessio Mortelliti, Alexis M. Mychajliw, Christopher M. Nagy, Sean A. Neiswenter, Dana L. Nelson, Claire E. Nemes, Clayton K. Nielsen, Elizabeth Olson, M. Teague O’Mara, Brian J. O’Neill, Blake R. Page, Elizabeth Parsons, Brent S. Pease, Mary E. Pendergast, Mike Proctor, Heather Quick, Christine C. Rega-Brodsky, Michael S. Rentz, Kylie Rezendes, Daric Rich, Derek R. Risch, Andrea Romero, Brigit R. Rooney, Christopher T. Rota, Corey A. Samples, Christopher M. Schalk, Çağan H. Sekercioğlu, Maksim Sergeyev, Austin B. Smith, Daniel S. Smith, Jinelle H. Sperry, Jennifer L. Stenglein, Michael K. Stokes, Johnathon S. Stutzman, Kimberly R. Todd, John P. Vanek, Wren Varga, Zachary M. Wardle, Stephen L. Webb, Nathaniel H. Wehr, Laura S. Whipple, Christopher A. Whittier, Jane S. Widness, Jacque Williamson, Andrew M. Wilson, Alexander J. Wolf, Marketa Zimova, Adam S. Zorn, William J. McShea. 2024. SNAPSHOT USA 2021: A Third Coordinated National Camera Trap Survey of the United States.” Ecology: e4318 PDF
Fusco, N.A., J.P. Vanek, B.J. Cosentino, J.P. Gibbs, A.J. Blumenfeld, M.L. Allen, J. Boettner, K. Briggs, E.J. Carlen, M. Collins, C. Dennison, D. DiGiacopo, A-P.D. Picard, J. Edmonson, C. Fisher-Reid, R. Fyffe, T. Gallo, A. Grant, W. Harbold, S. Heard, D. Lafferty, R. Lehtinen, S. Marino, J.E. McDonald, A. Mortelliti, M. Murray, A. Newman, K. Oswald, C. Ott-Conn, J. Richardson, R. Rimbach, P. Salaman, M. Steele, M. Stothart, M.C. Urban, K. Vandergrift, S. Vanderluit, L. Vezina, and A. Caccone. 2023. Population genomic structure of a widespread, urban-dwelling mammal; The Eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis). Molecular Ecology, 33, e17230 PDF
Anderson, T., D. Herrera, F. Mireku, K. Barner, A. Kokkinakis, H. Dao, A. Webber, A.D. Merida, T. Gallo, M. Pierobon. 2023. Geographical Variation in Social Determinants of Female Breast Cancer Mortality Across US Counties. JAMA Network Open 6(9):e2333618 PDF
Schell CJ, NC Harris, S Des Roches, T Gallo, M Lambert. 2023. Biodiversity for the People: Future Directions for Urban Biodiversity Conservation in Urban Biodiversity and Equity: Justice-Centered Conservation in Cities. Oxford University Press.
Haight, Jeffrey D.; Sharon J. Hall; Mason Fidino; Solny A. Adalsteinsson; Adam A. Ahlers; Julia Angstmann; Whitney J. B. Anthonysamy; Elizabeth Biro; Merri K. Collins; Barbara Dugelby; Travis Gallo; Austin M. Green; Laura Hartley; Mark J. Jordan; Cria A. M. Kay; Elizabeth W. Lehrer; Robert A. Long; Brandon MacDougall; Seth B. Magle; Darren E. Minier; Chris Mowry; Maureen Murray; Kristina Nininger; Mary E. Pendergast; Katie R. Remine; Travis Ryan; Carmen Salsbury; Christopher J. Schell; Çagan Șekercioğlu; Catherine J. Shier; Kelly C. Simon; Colleen C. St. Clair; Theodore Stankowich; Cassondra J. Stevenson; Lisa Wayne; Dave Will; J. Williamson; Larry Wilson; Amanda J. Zellmer; Jesse S. Lewis 2023. Urbanization, climate, and species traits shape mammal communities from local to continental scales. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7, 1654–1666 PDF
Cervantes AM, RL Schooley, EW Lehrer, T Gallo, ML Allen, M Fidino, SB Magle. 2023. Carnivore coexistence in Chicago: niche partitioning of coyotes and red foxes. Urban Ecosystems 26, 1293–1307 PDF
Herrera DJ, Cove MV, McShea WJ, Decker S, Flockhart DT, Moore SM, Gallo T. 2022. Spatial and temporal overlap of domestic cats (Felis catus) and native urban wildlife. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:1048585. PDF
Gallo, T., M. Fidino, B. Gerber, A.A. Ahlers, J.L. Angstmann, M. Amaya, A.L. Concilio, D. Drake, D. Gray, E.W. Lehrer, M.H. Murray, T.J. Ryan, C.C. St. Clair, C.M. Salsbury, H.A. Sander, T. Stankowich, J. Williamson, J.A. Belaire, K. Simon, Seth B. Magle. 2022. Mammals adjust diel activities across gradients of urbanization. eLife 11:e74756 PDF
Herrera DJ, Cove MV, McShea WJ, Flockhart DT, Decker S, Moore SM, Gallo T. 2022. Prey selection and predation behavior of free-roaming domestic cats (Felis catus) in an urban ecosystem: implications for urban cat management. Biological Conservation 268:109503 PDF
Fidino, M., Bender, J., Limbrick, K., Gallo, T., and Magle, S. B. 2022. Strolling through a century: recreating historical bird surveys to explore 100 years of change in an urban bird community. American Naturalist 199:159-167 PDF
Magle, S., Fidino, M., Sander, H., Rohnke, A. T., Larson, K. L., Gallo, T., Kay, C. A. M., Lehrer, E. W., Murray, M. H., Adalsteinsson, S. A., Ahlers, A. A., Anthonysamy, W. J. B., Gramza, A. R., Green, A. M., Jordan, M. J., Lewis, J., Long, R. A., MacDougall, B., Pendergast, M. E., Remine, K., Simon, K. C., Cassady St. Clair, C., Shier, C. J., Stankowich, T., Stevenson, C. J., Zellmer, A. J., and Schell, C. J. 2021. Wealth and urbanization shape medium and large mammalian communities across North America. Global Change Biology 27: 5446-5459 PDF
Collins, M., S.B. Magle, T. Gallo. 2021. Global trends in urban wildlife ecology and conservation. Biological Conservation 26:109236 PDF
Lehrer, E.W, T. Gallo, M. Fidino, R.J. Kilgour, P.J. Wolff, S. Magle. 2021. Urban bat occupancy is highly influenced by noise and the location of water: Considerations for nature-based urban planning. Landscape and Urban Planning 210:104063. PDF
Fidino, M., T. Gallo, E.W. Lehrer, M.H. Murray, C. Kay H.A. Sander, B. MacDougall, C.M. Salsbury, T.J. Ryan, J.L. Angstmann, J.A. Belaire, B. Dugelby, C. Schell, T. Stankowich, M. Amaya, D. Drake, S.H. Hursh, A.A. Ahlers, J. Williamson, L.M. Hartley, A.J. Zellmer, K. Simon, and S.B. Magle. 2021. Landscape-scale differences among cities alter common species’ responses to urbanization. Ecological Applications 31:e02253. PDF | COVER PHOTO
Ritzel, K. and T. Gallo. 2020. Behavior Change in Urban Mammals: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:576665. PDF
*Gallo, T., *M. Fidino, E.W. Lehrer, S. Magle. 2019. Urbanization alters predator-avoidance behaviours. Journal of Animal Ecology 88:793-803. PDF *Both authors contributed equally
Potratz, E., J.S. Brown, T. Gallo, C. Anchor, R.M Santymire. 2019. Effects of demography and urbanization on stress and body condition of urban white-tailed deer. Urban Ecosystems. PDF
Magle, S.B., M. Fidino, E.W. Lehrer, T. Gallo, M.P. Mulligan, M.J. Ríos, A.A. Ahlers, J. Angstmann, A. Belaire, B. Dugelby, A. Gramza, L. Hartley, B. MacDougall, T. Ryan, C. Salsbury, H. Sander, C. Schell, K. Simon, D. Drake. 2019. Advancing urban wildlife research through a multi-city collaboration. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17:232-239. PDF
URBANxNATURE Lab Established in 2019
Gallo, T. and M. Fidino. 2018. Insight: Making wildlife welcome in urban areas. eLife 7:e41348. PDF
Gallo, T., E.W. Lehrer, M. Fidino, R.J. Kilgour, P.J. Wolff, S. Magle. 2018. Need for multiscale planning for conservation of urban bats. Conservation Biology 32:638-647. PDF
Pejchar, L., T. Gallo, M. Hooten, G. Dailey. 2018. Predicting effects of large-scale reforestation on native and exotic birds. Diversity and Distributions 24:811-819. PDF
Gallo, T., M. Fidino, E.W. Lehrer, S. Magle. 2017. Mammal diversity and metacommunity dynamics in urban green spaces: implications for urban wildlife conservation. Ecological Applications 27:2330–2341. PDF
Gallo, T., L.T. Stinson, L. Pejchar. 2017. Mitigation for energy development fails to mimic natural disturbance for birds and mammals. Biological Conservation. 212:39-47. PDF
Gallo, T. and L. Pejchar. 2017. Woodland reduction and long-term change in breeding bird communities. Journal of Wildlife Management 81:259-268. PDF
Farr, C., D. Bennett, S. Bombaci, T. Gallo, A. Mangan, T. Nogeire, H. Riedl. L. Stinson, K. Wilkins, L. Pejchar. 2017. Addressing the gender gap in distinguished speakers at professional ecology conferences. Bioscience 67:464-468. PDF
Bombaci, S., T. Gallo, L. Pejchar. 2017. Small-scale woodland reduction practices have neutral or negative short-term effects on birds and small mammals. Rangeland Ecology and Management 70:363-373. PDF
Miller, A., E. Goad, T. Gallo, L. Pejchar, L. Bailey, S. Reed. 2017. The impact of exurban housing density on wintering birds. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 129:85-97. PDF
Riedl, H., D. Bennett, A. Mangan, L. Stinson, K. Wilkins, T. Gallo, L. Pejchar. 2017. The Paradox of the Carnivorous Conservationist [book review]. Biological Conservation 205:11-112. PDF
Gallo, T., L.T. Stinson, L. Pejchar. 2016. Pinyon-juniper removal has long-term effects on mammals. Forest Ecology and Management 377:93-100. PDF
Gallo, T. and L. Pejchar. 2016. Improving habitat for game animals has mixed consequences for biodiversity conservation. Biological Conservation 197:47:52. PDF
Bombaci, S., C. Farr, T. Gallo, A. Mangan, L. Stinson, M. Kaushik, L. Pejchar. 2015. Using Twitter to communicate conservation science beyond professional conferences. Conservation Biology 30:216-225. PDF
Gallo. T. and D. Waitt. 2011. Creating a successful citizen science model to detect and report invasive species. BioScience 61:459-465. PDF